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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

20. Process Skills in Science and Languages

Albert Einstein  once observed :“The greatest scientists are also artists as well.

There  is   a  sound  relationship  between  Art and Science,  and  discovery is common in both fields.  Scientists  may work  in laboratories  and  artists may  work  in  their  studios, but both work systematically  and creatively!   It is worth recalling the observation of Alberts (2011): In classrooms for all ages, integrating science and the visual arts offer children the latitude to think, discover, and make connections.
 [Beyond penguins and polar bears  ]

Process skills in Science include:

Observing, Inferring, Measuring, Communicating, Classifying, Predicting,
When students learn  the content in Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, technology and the arts, they are learning more than facts. They are  learning methods of communicating, thinking mathematically, doing what scientists do, conducting  social science  research, creating as artists, and using technology. Methods of learning are ‘process skills’.

Science Process  Skills   can find a place in the Language Classroom :

Observing- Role Play, Dramatizations
Connecting-  theme of  a  poem  to  another literary text
Problem solving-  Stories (Detective type)
Organizing information - Report writing for a Project.
Communicating and representing-  Class presentations, choice of style etc.

Ken Goodman describes reading as a psycholinguistic guessing game occurring at the intersection of the author's knowledge and the reader's knowledge. Predicting, confirming, and comprehending  which  leads to  building of concepts  are  a continuous cycle and represents the process of reading.

Even writing  can be seen as a process which involve:
1. Prewriting which includes preparing and organizing ideas
2. Writing the draft
3. Revising the draft
4. Editing and proof reading
5. Publishing

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